Let me guess

Filler mood

Dudes, if you ever want to lose a couple of pounds real quick, just get sick. Ugh. Don't know what's up cause I feel fine in every other way, (except I never seem to get enough sleep), but every time I eat something, I get sick. I know you didn't want to hear that, I can hear the screams of "TMI!" as I write this but hey, this is a filler post...plus, it's true. Feels like someone slugged me in the gut, hard. Otherwise, I'm perfectly fine. What is THAT all about?

So, I've been given some online schools to look at, some real schools. I'll be checking those out and we'll see what happens in the future. I think I won't make it for this fall but I'm going to do my homework and get things together and maybe try for next fall. That gives me time to get my shite together here, after moving so recently, really research each school, I may even go to some forums and pretend I went there just to see what people say. Why would I do that? Because every single time in my life that I've done something and wrote about it or talked about it later, someone always comes up and says, "Oh, I could have told you to...." which is entirely UNhelpful AFTER the fact. So, why don't I pretend it's "after the fact" before it is and see what kind of advice I get then. (Really, I get that all the time and it's annoying. Don't tell me after, tell me before!)

In other news, I'm starting to think a wild animal has been in our back yard. The dogs have been reluctant to go outside to do their business, in the evenings, especially. It's the weirdest thing. I'm looking at my dogs saying, "What?! You used to bounce out the door when we lived in the Everglades, alligators all around, not a care in the world but now, suddenly, the scent of a porcupine instills terror in to you so much that you won't go relieve yourself? Really!"

I mean, I literally have to push them out the door. I have to push on their butts or I have to lift them and carry them...that is ridiculous! I thought it might be due to rain and wet ground but that makes no sense because when it hailed here not too long ago, they couldn't wait to go out in that and explore. That would just not make sense...they'll go out in the HAIL but not in rain?

But anyway, they've been out in the rain before and didn't care. And this fear of going outside was like night and day, again, literally. One day they were fine, nothing on their minds except, "Yay! Outside!" the next night, "You want me to go out there?! WHY?!?!? I don't want to go out there! I'll hold it!" Absolutely nothing changed on our end or our routine.

You ever think your dogs know you are talking about them? As I was writing that, I looked down at Sakari on her little bed and she was doing that, "looking out of the corner of her eye" thing at me. HAHA!

Dogs...such a pain in the butt, so time consuming...but they sure make me laugh.

Ok, on to the next ad.

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